NPR says it all
Five years ago today, National Public Radio asked exactly the right question, one that is still a critical question in our country — indeed in the world — today.
In a particularly timely post, it asked:
Why Doesn’t America Read Anymore?
Today of all days, The Legal Genealogist needs say no more.
Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “A question for today,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 1 Apr 2019).
I still read, and not just online but also paper books, newspapers and magazines! Guess I’m just old school.
You NEED to click through and read the NPR blog post. Do it today. (And no, you aren’t the only one who fell for this.)
This was an excellent gift for April Fool’s Day.
Started going through yesterday’s emails early this morning, and spent several hours reading excellent journalism. How could I have missed this, being a semi news junkie? Signed up for the NPR newsletter.
Thank you, Judy, and happy April.