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The birds of Green Island

The Legal Genealogist is running behind on travel reports.

No excuses, just a simple explanation: I’m playing hooky in a beautiful part of the world.

Doing things like indulging my other interest in birdwatching.

Which we’ll be doing more of today — we’re now off Green Island and heading to Kuranda for the day and then off to the Daintree Forest.

But to give you a taste… here are some of the birds of Green Island.

The omnipresent buff banded rail…

The almost equally omnipresent bar shouldered dove…

The grey reef heron…

The white-breasted woodswallow…

One small surprise to me… looking just as it would in my home area, an osprey flying overhead…

And one big surprise, because it’s not usually still around in what passes for winter around here… the absolutely gorgeous yellow sunbird…