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The rest of the land

In December of 1796, Joseph Moore was granted 200 acres of land by the State of North Carolina.

Moore land survey

The land was entered in June of 1794,1 granted on 20 December 1796,2 and recorded in the Rutherford County, North Carolina, deed books on 27 July 1798.3

And on 5 November 1801, Joseph and Rebecca Moore — The Legal Genealogist‘s fourth great grandparents — sold “part of that tract … granted to Joseph Moore” to James Henderson, a 50-acre piece of the original grant.4

We know where the family went. On 28 May 1806, Joseph Moore received a Kentucky land grant of 400 acres on Flynns Fork in what was then Livingston County.5 That area became Caldwell County when that county was formed in 1808,6 and the Moore family was enumerated in Caldwell County in 1810.7

So… what happened to the rest of Joseph’s North Carolina land?

I have absolutely no idea.

There isn’t another recorded deed from Joseph or Rebecca or any of their heirs to anyone else in Rutherford County at any time during the rest of Joseph’s life or in the years after his death in 1820 when it might have been reasonable for them to sell his estate assets.

I haven’t yet found a court case or record taking the land for debt or for non-payment of taxes or any similar reason.

I haven’t yet located any sheriff’s deed covering the land.

I’d be willing to bet my 17 cents life savings that those “missing” 150 acres are on the tax rolls today. But there aren’t any surviving tax records for this time period in Rutherford County to use to track ownership between then and now.

For somebody who teaches that we need to record every piece of land in and out of our ancestor’s ownership, that’s annoying.

Really annoying.

So, okay, Joe… what did you do with your land?

Your descendants want to know…

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Where did it go?,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 5 Aug 2023).


  1. Rutherford County Entry No. 610, file 1316, Joseph Moore; digital images, NC Land Grants ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023).
  2. North Carolina Patent Book 91: 383, Grant No. 1191, Joseph Moore; digital images, NC Land Grants ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023).
  3. Rutherford County, North Carolina, Deed Book 7-9: 372; digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023).
  4. Rutherford Co., N.C., Deed Book 22-23: 291, 5 Nov 1801, recorded May 1805; digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023).
  5. Joseph Moore, 400 acres, Livingston County, Flynns Fork; database, “Kentucky, U.S., Land Grants, 1782-1924,” ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023).
  6. Chapter 33, “An Act for the division of Livingston County,” Acts of … the Commonwealth of Kentucky … 1808 (Frankfort : State Printer, 1809), 40; digital images, HathiTrust Digital Library ( : accessed xx Month 2023).
  7. 1810 U.S. census, Caldwell County, Kentucky, p. 415 (penned), line 1, Joseph Moore; digital image, ( : accessed 5 Aug 2023); citing National Archive microfilm publication M252, roll 9.
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