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“Hi, honey! I’m hoooooome!”

Yeah, The Legal Genealogist knows it’s been a looooong time.

But moving to another state at the same time as a long-planned-long-delayed vacation-and-conference trip to Australia is happening can really put a crimp in a blogger’s schedule.

No, it wasn’t supposed to happen all at once. But it did, and I’d say I’m sorry, except I’m not at all sorry to have:

1. Made new friends in Brisbane, Australia at the start of the trip

Rainbow bee-eater

2. Seen the iconic Uluru in the middle

3. Said goodbye to Sydney at the end of the trip, and

Sydney Opera House

4. Found this welcoming sight from the deck of my new home in Virginia.

Home in Virginia

So… we have a lot of catching up to do, in between all the changes that come with a move.

Posts won’t be daily for a while yet.

But the space won’t be quite so dark going forward.

I promise.

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Homehomehomehome,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 21 Nov 2022).