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From America’s law library

For many genealogists, their favorite law-related blog is The Legal Genealogist.

And for that, I’m most appreciative.

But The Legal Genealogist has one more for you to read.

The one I read, all the time.

It’s America’s law blog, from America’s law library.

It’s In Custodia Legis, the blog of the Law Librarians of Congress.

First, about the Law Library of Congress:

Yes, it’s part of the Library of Congress, and you’ll find it described on and accessible through the Library of Congress website. There, it tells us: “Congress established its Law Library in 1832, recognizing its need for ready access to reliable legal materials. The Law Library has grown over the years to become the world’s largest law library, with a collection of over 2.9 million volumes spanning the ages and covering virtually every jurisdiction in the world.”1

Yes, the Law Library of Congress is a publicly accessible library, open six days a week — Monday through Saturday — at least when there isn’t a pandemic.2

Yes, the Law Library of Congress has law librarians.3

And yes, they write a blog: In Custodia Legis, “Latin for ‘in the custody of the law,’ a nod to the fact that the Law Library of Congress is a custodian of law and legislation for both the nation and the world.”4

Where yesterday’s post was about legal research webinars the library offers, including one later this month about United States case law research.5

And the post before that was about the first two Story Maps that “preview to the information contained in the United States Congressional Serial Set, which the Law Library continues to prepare for digitization.”6 One, City Sketches and the Census, includes maps and historical profiles, and even an interactive map of population statistics. Another, The City of Washington: From the Serial Set, “tracks the history of the District of Columbia through photographs, maps, and images of the Serial Set.”

LOC city maps

And the post before that was about questions the librarians typically receive at the start of a new Congress,7 and the one before that a wonderful piece about piracy in 1799,8 and the one before that…

Well, you get the idea.

In Custodia Legis.

Get it.

Read it.

America’s law blog, from America’s law library.

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “America’s law blog,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 5 Jan 2021).


  1. About the Law Library,” Library of Congress ( : accessed 5 Jan 2021).
  2. Visiting the Law Library,” Library of Congress ( : accessed 5 Jan 2021).
  3. See “About: Authors,” In Custodia Legis, Library of Congress Blogs ( : accessed 5 Jan 2021).
  4. Ibid.
  5. Barbara Bavis, “Ring in 2021 with Law Library of Congress U.S. Law Webinars,” In Custodia Legis, posted 4 Jan 2021 ( : accessed 5 Jan 2021).
  6. Bailey DeSimone, “Law Library Story Map Collection Begins,” In Custodia Legis, posted 31 Dec 2020.
  7. Margaret Wood, “Tip of the Congressional Iceberg Redux,” In Custodia Legis, posted 30 Dec 2020.
  8. Samantha Dickson, “Piracy on the Schooner Eliza,” In Custodia Legis, posted 29 Dec 2020.