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Saturday deadline for SLIG scholarship

It doesn’t matter how old you are … or how young.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a “baby genealogist” brand-new to the field or a professional.

It doesn’t matter where you’re from.

Or what you want to study.

The only things that matter are your passion for genealogy, your appreciation of the importance of education and standards in genealogy, and your service to the community through volunteerism.

Oh… and your burning desire to attend the 2020 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy 2020 in any one of 15 classes during the week that runs January 12-17 (like The Legal Genealogist‘s “Corpus Juris: Advanced Legal Concepts for Genealogy”) or any one of the seven SLIG Academy courses than run January 20-24, 2020.

Not to mention a burning desire to do so pretty much for free.

If this sounds like you, get your typing fingers ready and get going. The deadline for applying for the Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship — covering full course tuition and six nights at the Salt Lake Hilton Hotel, plus a guaranteed seat in the course of your choice — is this Saturday, June 1.

You can find a full explanation of the scholarship and the application procedure on the SLIG website here and applications and supporting papers can be sent by email to

The scholarship was established in 2018 to honor one of genealogy’s best. The scholarship page says: “Laura G. Prescott’s bright smile, gracious friendship, and positive attitude, and many contributions as a teacher, writer, researcher, mentor, society leader, APG president, and director of Ancestry Academy made a significant mark on the genealogical community. In recognition of her friendship to all, her professional accomplishments, and her passion for genealogical education, the genealogical community established the Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship.”

And that doesn’t begin to tell Laura’s story. A story cut too short, too soon.

So that torch — of passion and commitment to standards and volunteerism — passes now… to you.

If you apply and are chosen for the Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship.

By Saturday, June 1.

Details here, remember. And that deadline: Saturday, June 1.

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Prescott Scholarship deadline looming,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 29 May 2019).