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And thank you for a GREAT 20 years online

The genealogical community needs to throw a birthday party today.

FamilySearch is turning 20.

FamilySearch birthday

Well, not exactly FamilySearch, of course… it’s certainly been around longer. But its online arm,, is now 20 years old.

Think about it:

Twenty years of family trees and family stories.

Twenty years of original images and digitized books.

Twenty years of tax records and deeds and vital records and court documents and… and… and…

Twenty years that have led us to where we can do so very much research sitting at home, in our jammies and bunny slippers, at 3:00 in the morning.

And every bit of it free.

Throwing a birthday party is the least that we can do to say thank you to for everything it’s done — and continues to do — for us as genealogists.

So happy birthday, — and here’s to many many happy returns of the day.

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Happy birthday,!,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 23 May 2019).

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