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Timothy Evan Geissler, 1973-2017

In so so many ways, Timothy Evan Geissler beat the odds.

Born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus at a time when so many children with those conditions died soon after birth, Tim was a fighter who wouldn’t give up.

Born to parents who could not see how they could provide for a child with his disabilities, the infant Tim charmed his way into the heart of one of the doctors caring for him… and into our family as my doctor-brother’s adopted son.

Born to be funny and charming and a lifelong Cubs fan, Tim even got to see the Cubs win the World Series.

He has been my hero his entire life. Enduring operation after operation. Years in a brace, and a wheelchair. Hospitalization after hospitalization. Always with a smile on his face. Always with the words of a Taylor Swift song in his heart. Always with a Cubs shirt on his back.

But, yesterday, our time with Tim ran out. His body was simply worn out after all he’s been through.

We cherish the memory of every moment our family was privileged to have with this amazing human being.

Fare thee well, Tim.

May the Cubs always win the series in heaven…