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The end of an amazing trip

First and foremost, The Legal Genealogist wishes to assure loyal readers that this blog will return to the subject of genealogy and the law… tomorrow.

Or maybe the day after. (It depends on flight schedules and jet lag, among other things.)

Second, I can’t let another minute go by without thanking fellow traveler and co-conspirator Helen Smith for masterminding one heck of an amazing trip around northern New Zealand and northern Australia. We did more and saw more than any two people had any right to do in the time available.

Third, I am looking forward greatly to getting home — travel is fabulous but there really truly is no place like home. Especially when it’s equipped with two furry purring machines that I can’t wait to see.

But… sigh… it’s still hard to leave this part of the world behind. It is simply so beautiful…

Let me share with you just a few last photos.

Grey fantail.

Plants from the Daintree rainforest region:

Rainbow bee eater.

New migrants to the region: spotted whistling ducks.

Darter showing off his wings.

And bringing down the curtain on this trip Down Under…