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Missing, but in action

In case you hadn’t noticed, The Legal Genealogist is playing hooky.

No blog post yesterday (yes, I will eventually write about the new AncestryDNA genetic communities, but after the hype dies down a little, and oh — by the way — be on the lookout for an updated ethnicity estimate report at Family Tree DNA maybe as early as this week, maybe even tomorrow…).

But every so often even this prolific blog writer has to give priority to other things.

Like spending a day with folks who share a lot of DNA with me — two brothers, two nephews and two sisters-of-the-heart who don’t share my DNA but share the lives of folks who do.

Yesterday was one of those sheer bliss family days.

So I’ll just leave you with an example of the reason why I wasn’t about to take time to write a blog post yesterday…

Catch you later…