Registration opens at noon EST
If you’re still wondering what to do to enhance your genealogical education this summer, here’s one last reminder — registration begins tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22, for the June session at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh.
GRIP is heading into its sixth season at LaRoche College in Pittsburgh, and there are two sessions, one in June and one in July, offering in-depth immersion for an entire week. Tomorrow’s registration is for the June classes, running June 25-30, and one of them might be just what you’re looking for.
If not, there will be six more a bit later — a second session runs from July 16-21 — and registration for those courses will be held March 8th.
The Legal Genealogist‘s own course, Law School for Genealogists, co-coordinated with Rick Sayre, is in the July session, so we’ll talk about that one later. Here’s what the June courses look like:
From Confusion to Conclusion: How to Write Proof Arguments
Coordinators: Kimberly Powell & Harold Henderson, CG, with instructors Melissa A. Johnson, CG, William M. Litchman, Ph.D., Karen Stanbary, CG, and a cameo appearance by Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS
When the research is over, what next? How do genealogists transform the three-dimensional complexity of evidence into a coherent, understandable, written proof argument? This hands-on course will feature a variety of strategies, tools and techniques for making data understandable in written form, as well as lectures and case studies from a diverse group of published authors demonstrating their strategies and methods for moving from disorganized evidence to a well structured, convincing proof argument. Since good writing requires practice, this course will include pre-class writing and reading, as well as a number of short homework assignments and in-class exercises designed to help enhance your learning. We want you to go home feeling confident that you can do this on your own!
Mastering the Art of Genealogical Documentation
Coordinator: Thomas W Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS
Documentation lies at the heart of respectable genealogy. Without clear and complete citations to supporting sources no family compilation or report can be credible. Therefore, all serious genealogists document their work. Students taking this course will learn how to understand their sources well enough to describe them. Then they will learn how to apply that knowledge to crafting citations. This hands-on course will help students gain understanding of how to create conventional citations with artistry, clarity, completeness, conciseness, and competence.
Research in the States of ‘Old Northwest Territory.’
Coordinator: Rev. David McDonald, DMin, CG, with instructor Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG
This week-long course aims to introduce research researchers to the records and people of the upper Midwest, from the colonial era through to the 20th Century. A new survey course will include an overview of the factors which led our forebears to move inland from the Atlantic seaboard in the years following the American Revolution. Of course, native inhabitants and French explorers and soldiers pre-dated these arrivals by centuries and generations. It will also evaluate who was here, from whence they came, the cultural, political and social “pulls and pushes” that created the upper Midwest over the course of the 19th and 20th Centuries; and the forces that pushed many to remove further west and, in the present day, south.
Research in Washington, D. C., from Afar
Coordinators: Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA & Pamela Boyer Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA, with instructor Angela Packer McGhie, CG.
Whether you prefer armchair research from home or your dream is to take a research trip to Washington, DC, this course is your answer. The nation’s capital opens access to so many records and resources with a national focus held in repositories such as the National Archives, the Library of Congress, the Daughters of the American Revolution Library, the library of the Society of the Cincinnati, and even the libraries and archives of the Smithsonian. Even if you can’t make a trip to Washington to research on-site in these repositories, you can still access a huge number of their valuable records from the comfort of home via the Internet. This course delves into both well-known and obscure sources available at Washington-area repositories and provides online or alternative methods of accessing the national-level records of individual citizens.
Tracing your Roots in Eastern Europe
Coordinator: Amy Wachs, J.D., with instructors Carl Kotlarchik, Karen Melis, Rhoda Miller, CG, Allison Ryall, MA
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced researcher, researching Eastern European ancestry can be challenging. Do you know where your ancestors lived in the “Old Country”? Have you struggled to locate your ancestral village in Eastern Europe? Are you sure about your ancestors’ names? Where is the best place to look for records? What kind of records can be found? How to make sense of the records you’ve found? What if you haven’t been able to find anything at all? This new course dedicated to genealogical research in Eastern Europe will focus specifically on aspects of Eastern Europe research, covering the region that was historically part of Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire.
Writing and Sharing Your Family History
Coordinator: Michael J. Leclerc, CG
After years of research, you now have a pile of information about your ancestors. You want to share it with your family, but aren’t sure where to go next. This course will help you look at a variety of ways to pull your family stories together and share them with your relatives. Looking at both print and digital options, we will examine a variety of ways you can compile that information into a shareable product. We focus here on the mechanics of creating the product, not the nuances of all aspects. For example, we will lightly pass over creating citations. (Other courses are best suited for fully learning how to craft citations.) Our focus will be on when and where to properly place them.
Because this line-up is so solid, class space is going to go fast. If you want in, you need to be ready to go when registration opens tomorrow, February 22, at noon Eastern, 11 a.m. Central, 10 a.m. Mountain and 9 a.m. Pacific.
There are registration instructions on the website that you’re going to want to read through in advance so you can be ready to go when registration opens. But because a countdown timer has been installed on the registration page for this June week which will go automatically at the “zero hour” to the registration management system you won’t have to watch the clock, hit refresh, or otherwise fear that you will miss the “opening bell.”
Tomorrow’s registration is only for the six courses to be offered at LaRoche College in June. And there will be more to come in July, with registration on March 8th!
Good luck getting into the course you want!