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Come early!

It’s going to be a full house tonight for The Legal Genealogist‘s Legacy Family Tree webinar, “To the Honorable, the General Assembly”: The Treasure Trove in Legislative Petitions.

petitionsIt seems that a lot of folks are interested in what genealogical gems may be hiding in the pages of petitions of both the federal and the state governments — and how to find them.

You can still register, now, for the 8 p.m. EDT webinar, because there’s always a chance some folks who register won’t be able to make it, but… you need to be online early to make sure you get a “seat” for the live presentation.

That means, seriously, some folks who’ve registered may not be able to get into the webinar.

If this happens to you, please don’t worry: you will be able to hear the whole presentation. Remember, the great thing about Legacy Family Tree webinars is that each one is available, free, for seven days after the webinar, and the webinar hosts do a terrific job of getting the full recording of each webinar online within hours.

And even after the free period, each recording is then available for purchase so you can review it more slowly, in more depth, at your own pace. Or you can just subscribe to the entire Legacy Family Tree webinar service, and get on-demand access to the entire archived set — some 410 classes of genealogical materials, 576-plus hours of instruction already and new materials added every week. The cost right now is $49.95 for a year, and $9.95 for a month.

I know I often can’t sit in on webinars as they occur because of other commitments, but I’ve been able to take in terrific presentations anyway and they’re available for viewing now through the subscription service or by purchasing a digital download version: the Foundations in DNA series by Blaine T. Bettinger; or J. Mark Lowe on Researching Your North Carolina Ancestors; or John Philip Colletta on The Germanic French – Researching Alsatian and Lorrainian Families; or Yvette Hoitink on Researching Your Dutch Ancestors, just to name a few.

And if you do have time during the day to listen in live, the line-up of upcoming webinars for the rest of the fall is terrific. Next week you can hear Rick Sayre on Finding Evidence of Kinship in Military Records (webinar co-sponsored by the Board for Certification of Genealogists). In October, it’s Ursula Krause on Finding Your Ancestors’ German Hometown. In November, it’s Chris Staats on Analysis and Correlation – Two Keys to Sound Conclusions. And on it goes…

Take a gander at the offerings at the Upcoming Webinars page and make sure your register in advance for any presentation that you want to hear.

Oh… and come early.

Things can get crowded, even online…