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Registration opens tomorrow

So you didn’t make it to the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy in January.

And you didn’t register for the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research for its June offerings.

Are you starting to feel distinctly left out on your genealogical education for 2016?

Don’t be! There’s one great big option that opens tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10th, for the six classes of the June session at GRIP — and those classes are going to fill up fast.

GRIP, of course, is the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, going into its fifth season at LaRoche College in Pittsburgh. Co-directors Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, and Deborah Lichtner Deal have a terrific line-up of courses offering in-depth immersion for an entire week — this session runs from June 26th to July 1st — in a topic that just might be what you’re looking for.

Here’s the line-up, and since The Legal Genealogist has a new course, I’m gonna lead with that one:

Women and Children First: Research Methods for the Hidden Members of the Family
Coordinator: Judy G. Russell, J.D., CG, CGL, with instructors Cathi Desmarais, CG; Kelvin Meyers; Michael Ramage, JD, CG; Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL; and Marian L. Smith of USCIS.

The women of our families – mothers, sisters, wives – and the children they bore and raised comprise far more than just a hidden half of our families: women and children greatly outnumbered the menfolk. Yet they left fewer traces in the records and researching these family members effectively poses challenges for any genealogist. This course will begin to answer the question of why we should – and how we can – research women and children first.

Mastering the Art of Genealogical Documentation
Coordinator: Thomas W Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS

Documentation lies at the heart of respectable genealogy. Without clear and complete citations to supporting sources no family compilation or report can be credible. Therefore, all serious genealogists document their work. Students taking this course will learn how to understand their sources well enough to describe them. Then they will learn how to apply that knowledge to crafting citations. This hands-on course will help students gain understanding of how to create conventional citations with artistry, clarity, completeness, conciseness, and competence.

Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy in the 21st Century
Coordinators: Catherine B. W. Desmarais, CG; Kelvin Meyers; Michael Ramage, J.D., CG, with instructors Amber Goodpaster Tauscher, Bethany Waterbury

Come explore your potential role in the fast-growing field of forensic genealogy. The instructors – all experienced, practicing forensic genealogists – will cover a broad spectrum of topics including the types of work in which forensic genealogists engage, skills in “reverse genealogy” (descendant research), work products, and an exploration of the Genealogical Proof Standard as it relates to forensic genealogy. Throughout the week, students will research an actual case as a practicum, putting what they learn into practice immediately. Additional case studies also will be presented.

Family Archiving: Heirlooms in the Digital Age
Coordinator: Denise May Levenick, with instructors Shelley Ballenger Bishop, Pam Stone Eagleson, CG, Sierra Green, and Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL

Did you inherit the Family Bible? Or, were you tasked with emptying a family home filled with photos, documents, and memorabilia? Ancestral artifacts, whether found in private or public collections, can extend family trees, confirm kinship, and enrich family histories with social context and personal stories.This course will offer researchers of all skill levels guidance in understanding, preserving, and incorporating family collections in legacy family history projects. The course is designed as a workshop. Illustrated lectures and informative case studies will lay the foundation for new skills and techniques to be practiced in classroom and individual projects. Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to come to GRIP with the idea for an archival project; throughout the week they may develop a project plan and practice necessary skills, so they are ready to move forward when returning home.

German Research Resources
Coordinators: F. Warren Bittner, CG, and Baerbel Johnson, AG

This intermediate German course will teach tools for finding places in Germany, and introduce a wide variety of records types: civil records, maps, online sources, land records, citizenship records, etc.

Pennsylvania: Research in the Keystone State
Coordinators: Sharon Cook MacInnes, Ph.D. and Michael D. Lacopo, D.V.M., and instructor Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA

We have designed our course for intermediate and above researchers who understand how the Genealogical Proof Standard forms the foundation for solid research but may not know much about Pennsylvania resources. Our goal is to present a practical, in-depth, and fast-paced exploration of Pennsylvania record groups with a bit of fun and hands-on exercises thrown in.

Because this line-up is so solid, class space is going to go fast. If you want in, you need to be ready to go when registration opens tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon Eastern, 11 a.m. Central, 10 a.m. Mountain and 9 a.m. Pacific.

There are registration instructions on the website that you’re going to want to read through in advance so you can be ready to go when registration opens. But because a countdown timer has been installed on the registration page for this June week which will go automatically at the “zero hour” to the registration management system you won’t have to watch the clock, hit refresh, or otherwise fear that you will miss the “opening bell.”

Tomorrow’s registration is only for the six courses to be offered at LaRoche College in June. And there will be more to come in July!

Good luck getting into the course you want!