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…a little rain must fall

And if it were only a little, The Legal Genealogist wouldn’t be whining this morning and might even have a blog post written.

Illustration of a Little Girl Holding an Umbrella Upturned by PoBut — alas — a little rain doesn’t leave inches and inches of water in your basement when the storm sewers back up.

While you’re 500 miles west at the Ohio Genealogical Society conference. (Great conference, by the way! Kudos to the organizers for a wonderful job!)

And a little rain doesn’t take out the heater element of your water heater.

The heater element for which parts won’t be available for at least two days.

While you’re trying to get ready to head out the door to the National Genealogical Society conference in Richmond tomorrow…

And a little rain doesn’t leave you needing to take care of about a kazillion things before you head out the door to said National Genealogical Society conference in Richmond tomorrow…



The Legal Genealogist is going offline for as long as it takes to regroup, figure out how to do laundry and take showers and wash dishes and the like without a working hot water heater.

Catch you in a day or two or three…

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