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Okay… the genealogists beat out the lawyers.

2013_Blawg100And it’s a genealogy blog, rather than a strictly law blog, that — with your help — took the top honors in vote-getting1 in the niche category of the prestigious American Bar Association Journal‘s 2013 Blawg 100 “competition.”

In that niche category, the newcomer, the winner and new champion — The Legal Genealogist.

This tale began back in November when I got an email with a return address of — and I almost deleted it. I figured it was a pitch for membership in the ABA and, since I’m not in active law practice any more, and don’t have an active law license, I had my finger on the delete key when I realized it was about something else altogether.

“Congratulations,” it said. “Your blawg has earned a spot in the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100, our 7th annual list of the best in blogs about lawyers and the law.”2

Now that seemed like fun.

But there was this beauty-contest aspect to it — the voting for top honors in each category. And that was kind of scary. I was in a hot and heavy contest with a law professor from Texas who writes about wills, estates and trusts.

Now I mean really.

I wouldn’t have minded losing to the winner in the Criminal Justice category — a blog I suspect many genealogists voted for — Defrosting Cold Cases by cold-case consultant Alice de Sturler. Or to the winner in the For Fun category — Jessica Mederson and Josh Gilliland’s The Legal Geeks.

But hey… in my own category I was out for blood.

And you, dear readers, came through.

niche_winner The announcement was made yesterday: “After some 4,000 readers weighed in, the winners and proud owners of bragging rights in each category are: … Niche: The Legal Genealogist.”3

Addendum: This image to the right here is the official Niche Category winner’s badge, sent today by the ABA Journal staff.


I’d have never lived it down if I’d lost out to a blog on wills and trusts.

Thank you!


  1. Or ballot-box-stuffing.
  2. Trust me — I’m as pained by the “blawg” spelling as you are.
  3. Sarah Mui and Lee Kathryn Rawles, “And the Blawg 100 popular vote-getters are …,” ABA Journal online, posted 2 Jan 2014 ( : accessed 3 Jan 2014).
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