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Thank you… and join me!

The Legal Genealogist has said it before: if you ever ever get a chance to be a speaker for the Ocean County, New Jersey, Genealogical Society, say yes. I don’t care when it is, what the topic is, or what else you have to put off.

The fact is, the motto of the society is: “Have fun with family history!” And they mean it — these folks are just so much fun.

An active, vibrant group, the OCGS is a little different from some local societies: not many members have generations worth of roots there in the sandy soil of the Jersey Shore. So instead of concentrating on local history, they look to concepts and resources of use to genealogists with roots anywhere.

My three presentations to OCGS so far have been on methodology, DNA and, last night, genealogical ethics and etiquette.

And have I mentioned that these folks are just so much fun?

Thank you, Ocean County Genealogical Society!

And while I’m on the subject, let me take just a moment here and let you know about a few upcoming events where I have something to talk about — and I’d love to have you join me!

Italian Genealogical Group, Bethpage, New York

November 9, 2013
The ABCs of DNA

New to the idea that DNA can help with genealogy? Learn about the three major test types — YDNA, mitochondrial (mtDNA) and the new autosomal DNA testing — and see what each offers to the genealogist.

Central Jersey Genealogical Club, Hamilton Township, NJ, Public Library

November 12, 2013
Beyond X and Y: The Promise and Pitfalls of Autosomal DNA

When the paper trail runs cold, evidence locked in our genes may provide clues to point us in the right direction… or stop us from heading down a blind alley. Learn about the newest type of DNA testing now — autosomal DNA (atDNA) — that’s beyond the gender-linked tests and can provide new clues to break down brick walls.

Association of Professional Genealogists Webinar

December 11, 2013
“Terms and conditions may apply” — Contract Law and the Internet

Websites have fine print too. And it’s the fine print that answers questions like: Why can I use this newspaper clipping from this service, and not that clipping from that service? What happens if I allow someone else to use my account on that website? If I get into a dispute with a genealogical service provider, can I sue them? This webinar will review the basics of website terms and conditions (“terms of use” or “terms of service”) and what they mean for the genealogist.

The webinar is free online. Register here!

Hudson County Genealogical & Historical Society, Secaucus, NJ, Public Library

December 14, 2013
Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidence

Most genealogists learn very quickly that it’s a rare family where direct evidence supplies all the proof needed to connect one generation to another and tie brothers and sisters to each other. In most cases, it’s necessary to build the case for family relationships from bits and pieces and hints and clues gathered from a wide variety of sources. Find out more about how to build a family from circumstantial evidence.

Image Julio Bahar, Open Clip Art Library.

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