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Legislative petitions

Americans have been complaining about things to government — and about government — since they stepped off the boat in the New World, long before there was an America.

ISGS.webinarThe Legal Genealogist is willing to bet that if there’d been easy access to pen and paper on the first ships carrying colonists — and some possibility of action that didn’t involve being pitched overboard — they’d have been complaining then too.

And the way we Americans have complained, in writing in the form of petitions for redress of grievances, has created records that are largely unused by genealogists and yet can rightly be described as containing a treasure trove for almost any family.

Want to know more? Join me tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 10th, at 9 p.m. EDT, 8 p.m. CDT, 7 p.m. MDT and 6 p.m. PDT, when the Illinois State Genealogical Society hosts a free webinar, “To the Honorable, the General Assembly” – The Treasure Trove in Legislative Petitions.

You need to register in advance here, but the webinar is free and all attendees will get the handout.

Now… I know. I know.

It’s Tuesday. At 9 p.m. EDT, 8 p.m. CDT even.

Head to head with Jim Parsons and his French ancestry. The season finale, I do believe.

Webinar, WDYTYA. WDYTYA, webinar.

What a conundrum!

Except, of course, that you can always watch WDYTYA online after it runs on TLC. And there’s only one webinar. Unless you’re a member of the Illinois State Genealogical Society you won’t be able to watch the webinar afterwards.

So come join me, tomorrow, at 9 p.m. EDT, 8 p.m. CDT, 7 p.m. MDT and 6 p.m. PDT. You can catch Jim Parsons later.

… Or you could join the Illinois State Genealogical Society and get long term access to this webinar and a whole host of others — 20, at last count, from a host of top notch presenters — as a member benefit.

Just sayin’…