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The race heats up

The Legal Genealogist usually doesn’t do genealogy news announcements because there are so many other sites out there where you can get your genealogy news fix. But this one… well, let’s just say the online genealogy world is getting more and more interesting by the day.

Here’s the complete text:

Today represents an exciting milestone at Mocavo. Over our years in both the genealogy and technology industries, we have had few occasions to meet an engineer as talented as Matt Garner. Matt has deep expertise in the genealogy industry and has few peers in the art of historical record digitization. We are excited to announce that Matt and his incredible team at ReadyMicro have joined Mocavo. The ReadyMicro team will continue to operate out of their facility in Orem, Utah and we will maintain our office in Boulder, Colorado, while also adding more employees in both locations.

Now you might ask, “why does a genealogy search engine need digitization?” The answer is, “Mocavo is no longer just a genealogy search engine.” From the day the company was founded, our mission has been clear: to bring all of the world’s genealogical information online for free and give everyone the ability to discover their family history. Over the past several months, we have been working tirelessly to gather genealogical records and connect with other genealogical Web sites. In the next few weeks, we will make several exciting announcements about these additions that are sure to please family historians.

The acquisition of ReadyMicro gives us the ability to partner with other stewards of genealogical information to help them digitize their records at a very low cost and even, in many cases, at no cost. In an era where government cutbacks are forcing archives to shut their doors, we will provide a valuable resource to our partners that will enable them to rapidly and cheaply digitize their invaluable collections.

Welcome aboard ReadyMicro and welcome to the new Mocavo!

Digitization? At Mocavo? Records… online… free… in partnerships?

The next few months ought to be very interesting indeed.

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