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Thank yous… and a promise

First, the thank yous.

To all those who left their dinners, missed their evening shows, or stayed up past their bedtimes to join me for the APG Webinar Facts, Photos & Fair Use: Copyright Law for Genealogists last night, the biggest bottom-of-my-heart thank you.

Your questions were fantastic — they made me think to keep up and gave me a chance to clarify some of the points folks needed to know most. Thank you all.

To those who took the time to comment afterwards, publicly and privately, what can I say? You’re far too kind, and I learned as much from you as you did from me. Thank you.

To Kimberly Powell, APG vice president and moderator extraordinaire, another big bottom-of-my-heart thank you. I don’t think anybody who hasn’t organized a webinar realizes how much goes into it. Kimberly makes it look easy. It’s not.

And to APG and its Professional Development Committee, for sponsoring this terrific series of webinars and making them free to all… wow. Thank you. I’m so proud to be part of APG and part of the webinar series.

Now the promise: there were an awful lot of questions left over when time (and my voice) ran out that focused on terms of service. The whole subject — particularly the March 24 change in the terms of service that affects professional genealogists — is on my list for a full set of blog posts. I will explore this whole issue and answer as many of the specific questions folks had as I can.
