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The Legal Genealogist confesses.

I am not a morning person.

My lifestyle is ridiculously sedentary.

And I’m fundamentally lazy.

walkSo why in the world would I even think of talking a one mile walk at 6:30 in the morning?

As in a.m.

As in oh-dark-thirty, for cryin’ out loud.

Because it’s for a good cause.

A great cause even.

A cause I passionately believe in.

It’s to Preserve the Pensions — to help pay for the effort to digitize millions of pages of fragile documents in grave danger of deterioration: records of War of 1812 pension records held by the National Archives. The records documenting more than 180,000 pension records for War of 1812 soldiers and their families are among the most heavily requested documents at the National Archives and, because of their use, their age and their fragile nature, they really need to be digitized to protect them forever.

The effort to get these wonderful records digitized is being led by the Federation of Genealogical Societies, with matching funds support from Ancestry.

And, two weeks from tomorrow, at the 2014 FGS Conference in San Antonio, FGS is sponsoring a Fun Walk to the Alamo as part of the Preserve the Pensions effort.



Walking a mile at oh-dark-thirty. Presumably a mile each way even. Before breakfast even.

But hey… I can do this.

I can be up, dressed, outside and ready to walk at 6:30 a.m.

Sure I can do this.

And with your support I will do it.

You see, every walker can be sponsored. By those who attend and by those who can’t be there.

The cost to sponsor a walker is $25. Every dollar from the walk goes directly to the Preserve the Pensions effort. And every dollar from the walk is doubled by Ancestry.

And everybody who walks — and everybody who sponsors a walker — gets a shirt.

So… sponsor me. Post your commitment in the comments below or email me. We’ll work out the logistics on how you can pay (PayPal will work) and how you can get your shirt (“hello, USPS?”) later.

But don’t let me turn over and go back to sleep two weeks from tomorrow.

Make me get up and walk… and Preserve the Pensions.

I’ll even post pictures.

How ’bout it?

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